Peoples Movement Assembly Fall 2014

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The George Mason University Public Sociology Association and
International Network of Scholar Activists (INoSA)
Invite you to a

People's Movement Assembly
The Changing Landscape of Higher Education:
Austerity, Precarity & Graduate Student Workers
October 18, 2014
George Mason University, Founder’s Hall, Arlington, VA


12:00 Noon - 1:30PM Part 1: The economic and political context of academic work & Visioning alternatives

1:30-3:00 PM Part 2: Developing Networks & Strategies for Change

*Please register to help us ensure everyone has a lunch! Register via our website or send email to:

The Peoples Movement Assembly is part of the 4th Annual Public Sociology Conference (Re)Visions Of The Future: Public Sociology, Environmental Justice, & the Crisis of Climate Change. At George Mason University. For more information visit our website.


Background Readings:

Corporatization of Universities & Movements of Resistance