The food system is responsible for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. How can we reduce that?
Articles & Reports
- Fresh Food Used to Fight Racial Injustice
- Small Farmers are key agents of the fight against climate change
Indigenous peoples provide important lessons on sustainable food systems --Leaders are discussing lessons from indigenous practices and knowledge as they meet to discuss solutions to global food crises during a meeting of indigenous leaders at the UN's International Fund for Agricultural Development in Rome, Feb. 2015.
- New U.S. nutrition guidelines link diet and climate (Feb. 2015)
...and carbon interests in meat industry lobby against this. Read more on these debates and their legal aspects.
- Deepening Food Democracy-Report by Institute on Agriculture and Trade Policy
- Michael Pollan is a leading author on issues related to food production and the industrial food system.
- "The City that Ended Hunger" -this article has some great, practical ideas of how cities can act on food sovereignty. Its author, Francis Moore Lappe, is someone whose work this group will find very helpful. She wrote //Diet for a Small Planet and many other books that can help guide us to a low-carbon system.
- "Food democracy South and North: from food sovereignty to transition initiatives" - in this article, the idea of food democracy is discussed.
- Six Ways Forward to Reform Our Democracy for a Better Food System
- Less Meat, More Plants for Healthier People and Planet: Coalition
- Local food, food miles and carbon emissions: A comparison of farm sop and mass distribution approaches
- [[@"How Far Does Your Food Travel to Get to Your Plate?"]]
- "Is My Cheeseburger Causing Global Warming?" - Learn how to eat a low carbon diet
- The Real Food Media Contest invites short films on sustainable food topics, and you can watch this year's finalists here and learn more stories about people making paths to low-carbon food systems. The project is also a good example of an action that can help raise consciousness in the larger public.
Pittsburgh Food Policy Council
"Carbon Foodprint" is a term that refers to the carbon footprint of food choices. Whether we eat meat, choose organic vegetables, eat a lot of processed food, or eat out at restaurants affects the carbon emissions related to our individual food consumption.
- Eat low carbon Find out how to choose lower-carbon meals
- Calculate your carbon foodprint
- A comparison of five diets for their carbon footprints
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